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Grasshopper Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism

Writer: Kymm CivettaKymm Civetta

"It is He who sits above the circle of the earth,

And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers,

Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain

And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in."

Isaiah 40:22

Heaven uses nature, synchronicities, and repeated cues to get our attention in translating messages from our Creator.   The heavenly language is one that most of us cannot see, hear, or comprehend with our 5 physical senses.   Heaven uses nature, all of which is in service to God, connected intuitively, expressed through instinct. If you are here reading this blog,  you may have encountered a grasshopper in some special way that stopped you in your tracks, and got you thinking about what this creature may symbolize,  and what possible spiritual meaning or message it may bring.  Such an experience happened to me this morning when I encountered three grasshoppers in a matter of minutes, one after the other, after deep meditation and prayer. I share my experience and the synchronicity in reverence of God’s language through nature, and additionally give you the traditional spiritual symbolic meaning of grasshopper from the cultures of our history.  

The Grasshopper Prayer 

I went out by the pool early morning with warm golden sunshine gently touching parts of my body in dancing rays shooting through the leaves of the tree behind me.  I stretched in what I call an intuitive yoga style, moving through poses I knew already and some that were also unknown to me, until my body requested them.  I added relaxing meditation music with chimes in the wind over the soft angelic sounds while I breathed slowly and waited for cues from my body.   I was instantaneously transformed from the recently awoken stiff self with my mind complaining of the aches and pain, into a more grounded and calmer version of me.   “Why don’t I do this every day?” I asked myself in a calm voice.  I made a mental note to give myself this time to wake up like this from now on.  I began zoning out and looking at the sunshine on the pool surface.  The spillway from the jacuzzi to the pool was making a lovely sound as I closed my eyes, and then barely opened them up again.  I was “blurring” my eyesight intentionally and gazing upon the wonderful scene of sunshine dancing on water.  I could hear my breath inside of my head.  I thought about how our breath is involuntary, how I don’t have to think about breathing.  I thought about how we take a breath to begin life and then it just stops when we go back to God.   It was an epiphany of sorts that our breath is the communion and communication with God.  I did the stretches that my body asked me to do, and then sat and stared at the water breathing calmly.  I began to pray and asked Our Lord Jesus to fill my thoughts, my heart, my cells and in particular and my lungs in which were challenged from allergies and for the upcoming PET scan to make sure that it was mucous they saw on the CAT scan and not recurring cancer.  

“Lord fill me with full faith in your healing, just as the woman touched the edge of your robe in full faith and was instantly healed.  Help me to have faith over fear.  Allow me to stay with my family and glorify your name in all I do and what you ask of me.” 

I continued….

“I AM (I AM is the name of God in Ancient Hebrew) feeling better and better in Jesus name.”

“I AM the light of Christ in all my cells, all my thoughts, all my actions, all my words now in the name of Jesus” 

“I AM grateful for the good news you bring on my PET scan Lord, and whatever comes I know you will carry me, I know you will heal me!” 

I recited the Lord’s prayer. My eyes rolled in an upward motion a bit and I felt chills on my body. 

Through the cracks of my eye lids barely open and inside my inner eyes I saw Jesus appear. 

I could only see the bottom half of his earthly robe wheat in color, with a rope tied low on this waist as he stood with a resolved calmness.  In retrospect he seemed to have more of the appearance and energy of his time when he was on earth.   It didn’t feel like he was in his heavenly state. 

I immediately started to cry tears of “awe and reverence.” (note: fear in the bible is translated in Ancient Hebrew as reverence or awe.) 

There was a thought put into my mind right then by the Lord.  “Water your mother in law’s plants.”  My mind came in and tried to detour me saying “Kymm, you already had an alarm set to water your Mother in Laws plants, so you are making this part up and it’s not from the Lord.”

But that subtle feeling came over me as if it was already happening.  When I looked where Jesus had appeared it was in the direction of my Mother in Law’s house on our property, and I had promised to water her flowers and plants as she had fallen the previous day and broken a rib.  

I ignored my doubts, and immediately followed the Lords request, got up and said out loud “I am listening Father.” 

I walked across the now warm grass as the sun had already started to heat up the earth.  I went through her canopy covering and found her hose crumpled up, unraveled it and turned the waterspout on.  As I watered the ferns first in front of her house, a huge grasshopper jumped out.  It was gold and moved with a kind of fluttering as it leaped very quickly.  I said inwardly to the Lord, “Thank you for sending nature to tell me there will be good news in my health” as I had remembered the spiritual meaning of grasshopper from previous research. I turned around to water her hot pink and green philodendron type plant.  There sitting and staring at me was a very tiny very bright green camouflaged grasshopper that is in the photo I am copying here on this blog.  I smiled and dropped the hose and picked up my iPhone that was still playing chime music off of a nearby chair and took a picture of this confident little creature looking at me as if I were the same size as he.   I watched him for a time doing yoga like poses, up and down with angled movements looking like the yoga pose called downward dog.  I picked up the hose again to water another plant and on the green hedge behind the plant, a huge grasshopper flew out that was speckled and did not flutter,  but flew quickly and brilliantly to another part of the hedge as to not get wet from the spray of the hose.  Three grasshoppers symbolizing longevity, good news, luck, good health, and intuitive communication with Heaven. Fascinating.  For me the grasshopper reflected the great leap of faith I had just prayed about and good news coming quickly.  I felt the Lord heard and answered my prayer and he sent not one, but three of his grasshopper creatures to confirm it.  

Ok wait!!!

As I type these words to you, my daughters best friend Autumn who is visiting from Virginia, walked up with a bubble gum wrapper folded into the shape of heart as a gift for me.  I tell her that I love the art piece and explain that I am writing my blog on grasshopper symbolism and what I had experienced this morning.  Autumn very articulately exclaimed that Lyric and she found a tiny grasshopper in my bathroom.  

“Wait, what did you say?” I said gawking at her.  

Autumn looked at me curiously and restated what she just said. 

My master bathroom is upstairs and would be near impossible for a tiny grasshopper to make its way up the 2 flights of stairs totaling 20 feet to my master bedroom and then get all the way to the master bathroom. 

 “God is Good!” is all I could hear inside of my mind as I shook my head in amazement of how God communicates with us through His nature.

I believe the once three and now four grasshoppers’ presence in my early morning represent for me a leap of faith and good news on my health.   I chose to understand that the grasshoppers were nature messenger servants, sent by My Father confirming He heard and is answering my prayer.  Keep reading for a quick list of traditional symbolic meanings from many of our cultures across the globe from ancient times to the present.  

Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism of Grasshopper:


Good Health



Good News 







Leap of Faith 

Leap in Action


Forward Thinking


Muse for Artists

This quick list includes traditional meanings of grasshopper from ancient folk lore and are in many ways fitting and accurate in their symbolic meaning.  But I believe we should take it a step further and “test it” with our gut feelings, for a more specific communion with God in understanding His message.  

We know that Heaven uses nature symbolically to get our attention in encouraging us to stop and reflect for a moment.  When we stop and notice the nature He created, you are a more willing recipient to hear His word as you stop thinking with the chatter of your mind, and automatically go into a type of meditation gazing at the creature that God made.  

We know that everything in God’s creation including the earth and all of its inhabitants are intertwined, connected in mind, body and spirit for His Divine Plan in perfect harmony.  Once Heaven has gotten our attention with the symbol in nature to “speak to you” directly, it’s important to notice the grasshopper’s mannerisms, it’s actions, and its features. 

 For example, its ability to hop in a leaping flight with great speed, it’s antennae that reach out for understanding its surroundings, its huge eyes navigating for a clear path in which to take, it’s friendly nature, and camouflaging appearance.  Take the moment to ask yourself what were you thinking about when you came upon the grasshopper? What challenges are you currently undergoing? What have you been praying for? Are you needing a leap of faith and forward action? What mannerisms did the grasshopper display and how did they make you feel? What did you notice about the grasshopper’s features the most? Asking yourself these questions can help you decipher the message from Heaven and even inspire you further to commune with nature and the Creator.  

In closing I’d like to reiterate that when heaven stops you and gets your attention through repeated signs in nature, take a moment to go inward, ask your Creator what the message is for your specific prayer, challenge or circumstance. And rather than taking my writing or the writing of others as the complete truth, research and read, but always lift it up and go inward and ask The Lord for confirmation, “test the spirits” and go with your gut.  

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