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Unveiling Prophetic Angel Number 777: A Heavenly Report Card.

Prophetic Angel Number 777 reminds us to be in service of others, and to express the highest parts of ourselves in the image of God. This is a time to cherish and express your highest abilities as God and His Mighty angels applaud you in heaven. You have been working hard spiritually, and heaven is recognizing this, and will be rewarding you for your good efforts. Expect miracles from unknown sources by keeping your thoughts in tune with the highest outcome.

Your wisdom has paid off, and heaven tips their hat off to you!

The Prophetic angel number 777, in biblical terms is the Spirit of God manifesting. so when you see the prophetic angel number 777 carve out some time to be alone with God, whether that is in your personal space or out in nature, take a deep breath in by acknowledging that your breath was given to you by and from the creator In doing this when you acknowledge your breath and pay attention to it and slow down, this is the divine connection to the Highest of the High, The Lord of Creation and this Eternal Always Source of Unconditional Love is giving you access to prophetic word, direction, instructions and guidance.

You are not alone.

This is important that you daily acknowledge that heaven is surrounding you and guiding you in each and every moment if you but turn and depend and surrender to that beautiful and glorious Holy Spirit You are completely surrounded by his mighty angels in their vast and wonderful support, and if you tune into the frequencies of Heaven, you may just hear their glorious song that praises his name for eternity and showers you with blessings.

Prophetic angel number 777 represents a day of resting in God, and the acknowledgement that is He is reigning over your life, even if you are doing something mundane like the dishes you must lift your thoughts in grace and know that God is the perfection of love in your life in which to be grateful.

So how can you rest in God today?

Maybe just taking a few minutes within your busy day that’s filled with errands and hectic thoughts, but pausing and taking the time to stop and be grateful for God and the peace kings to give you in your mind body and spirit. 777 is a sign that fruits are coming from your faith, hard work, wisdom, and especially your actions for those you serve.

I am sending you blessings over all areas of your life! Please check out my other Angel Number videos below.

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