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Weekly Word Wisdom & Angel Number 333 Message


We are all given special spiritual gifts from God, and this week's heavenly message is that we need to take authority in those gifts and ask how to use them on behalf of the Glory of Heaven.

This week, take a few moments daily to slow down, breathe deeply, and make yourself clear by speaking directly on what you need to release.

Once you release, surrender by asking for forgiveness, or help in forgiving others and drop your burdens with a sense of peace.

Once you do this, one can hear, see, know, feel more clearly the guidance from the Glory of Heaven and the Angel messengers. Go into a space humbleness and gratefulness, tell God what you are grateful for no matter how small.

See and Feel the Glory Cloud of infinite love.

Ask how you can serve with passion to help others, and how you may use the gifts that have been bestowed upon you, whether it be a gift of wisdom, word of knowledge, gift of deep faith, gifts of healing, working of miracles, prophecy, the prophet seer gift, distinguishing spirits, speaking in tongues, and or interpretation of tongues.

Be patient be consistent and believe that you will be answered.


The weekly prophetic angel number this week is 333. This is the prophetic number of the Holy Spirit and the presence of God.

Jeremia 33:3 says "Call to me and I will answer ou and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."


Kymm Civetta


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